

我決定慎重地為你朗讀,一如我是如此渴望某個人願意為自己朗讀。我會打開窗子,沏一壺好茶,鋪上軟軟的坐墊,彷彿這是全世界最美妙的聲音一般傾注所有的專注,聆聽 (就像他聽我說話時的樣子)






I have a friend who is a giant,
And he lives where the tall weeds grow.
He's high as a mountain and wide as a barn,
And I only come up to his toe, you know,
I only come up to his toe.

When the daylight grows dim I talk with him
Way down in the marshy sands,
And his ear is too far away to hear,
But still he understands, he 'stands,
I know he understands.

For we have a code called the "scratch-tap code,"
And here is what we do─
I scratch his toe... once means, "Hello"
And twice means, "How are you?"
Three means, "Does it look like rain?"
Four times means, "Don't cry."
Five times means, "I'll scratch you a joke."
And six times means, "Goodbye," "Goodbye,"
Six times means, "Goodbye."

And he answers me by tapping his toe─
Once means, "Hello, friend."
Two taps means, "It's very nice to feel your scratch again."
Three taps means, "It's lonely here
With my head in the top of the sky."
Four taps means, "Today an eagle smiled as she flew by."
Five taps means, "Oops, I just bumped
my head against the moon."
Six means, "Sigh" and seven means, "Bye"
And eight means, "Come back soon, soon,"
Eight means, "Come back soon."

And then I scratch a thousand times,
And he taps with a bappity-bimm,
And he laughs so hard he shakes the sky─
That means I'm tickling him!



P.s. 謝爾比叔叔,你曾經「在芝加哥的棒球場賣熱狗,甚至賣到在周四棒球之夜創下了熱狗銷售記錄」這實在是太酷了!我要向你看齊!


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